MENU.BAS is actually the word processor program. Why waste time having MENU.BAS load another program? Because it is written in BASIC, the editing is pretty pokey; it is very easy to type faster than the program can accept it. I haven't played with it much, but I'm guessing the file DE.RND is the program having its own implementation of a directory structure, as that of FCS is pretty poor. The text which shows up on this disk when the program runs is some gibberish which starts at sector 64. As the FCS directory shows nothing there, it does tend to confirm this suspicion. Looking at the code, the key mapping seems to be: CTRL-C --> line 1400 --> create 1-9 blank lines before current line CTRL-D --> line 1900 --> delete 1-9 lines (current and successive lines) CTRL-E --> line 1300 --> insert char CTRL-H --> line 600 --> home CTRL-J --> line 700 --> cursor down one line CTRL-K --> line 800 --> kill (erase) line CTRL-L --> line 500 --> erase page CTRL-M --> line 900 --> carriage return CTRL-Q --> line 2000 --> set parameters: line length, paragraph indent, lines per page, pages in use, straight right margin, printer baud rate CTRL-S --> Line 200 --> save page (requests page to save to: 1 to 9) CTRL-T --> line 1500 --> load page N (1-9) CTRL-V --> line 3000 --> ?? CTRL-Y --> line 1000 --> move cursor right CTRL-Z --> line 1100 --> move cursor left ESC --> line 180 --> exit program (prompted to confirm first) chr 28 --> line 1200 --> '^' --> line 1800 --> DEL --> line 1600 --> delete char 'a' - 'z' --> line 400 --> insert at cursor (displayed uppercase in yellow) space, ! " # $ % & ' () * + , - . / 0-9 : ; < = > ? @ A-Z --> insert character at cursor