– Virtual Media

Listing of file='MENDIR.SRC;01' on disk='vmedia/chip_63-sector.ccvf'


Directions for Menu Script Handler

by Myron T. Steffy, Sun City, Arizona 85351

Version 3.5 of 'SCRIPT' was organized to run as a 'Call
Jump' from a Menu program.  This allows the operator to
make changes in the parameters to suit the particular
material at hand.  The Basic listing follows.

If this is a 'cold' start, it will confirm that the machine
language has not been loaded and tell you that this is
taking place.  After the program heading is displayed, you
will be told to insert the file diskette in the default
drive.  You will be asked the name of the file (name only)
and then the type.  This will either be 'SRC' or 'DOC'.
The latter is the raw directory type file produced by the
Comp-U-Writer SCRIBE version 3.5. In its 'raw' state it
will not read correctly on a source file printer program or
the Screen Editor.  The last question concerning the input
file is simply the version number.

The next two questions concern printing options, lines per
page and form feeds.  The default values are given and will
be obtained by just pressing 'Return'.  If you use this
program frequently, these values may be readily altered in
the Menu program.

Next, you have the opportunity to cancel the justification
procedure.  This might be used if the file had columns of
figures.  If the program tries to justify these lines it
would probably skew the columns and rows. The justification
operation is primarily intended for magazine-type material
where an even right hand margin is desired.  It should not
be used on assembly language source files for obvious reasons.

If the file has an irregular right margin, with each line
terminated by a C/R and a L/F, an option can be selected to
remove them and justify the output.  This would be a useful
feature to re-process text material for printing.  Refer to
the source file explanatory article for more information.

The next question asks if you wish to create a new file.
This might be done with an original file, which could be
processed and returned to memory.  It can then be saved on
disc just as you saw it on the screen.  If the old file is
more than a page or so long, the new file will overwrite
the old and destroy it.  Be certain that you have more than
one copy of your material, always a wise precaution.

Although the program starts to inject the new file into
memory several thousand bytes below the old, it gradually
overtakes it by virtue of the additional spaces being added
during the justification.  This will probably not occur
before you reach the end of memory.

Then there is a question about 'blank lines at the top of
the first page'.  Some printers using tractor feed need
anywhere between four lines and a half page to engage the
sprockets.  Since you can't print on this space when
starting out, you need to account for it or the line count
for subsequent pages will not be correct.  This function
permits this adjustment by pre-loading the line counter for
the first page.

The program normally pauses at the end of each page and
restarts with 'Return'.  If you are printing single sheets,
this would be a necessity.  With continuous forms, it is
also useful to adjust the paper after the first page.
Subsequently the pause control can be disabled by
depressing the space-bar.

The last question is the Baud rate.  You would usually have
the default set to your own printer rate but occasionally
it is nice to set it to a slower rate with the printer off,
and see how your material will look when finished.

If you have selected the 'Create New File' option, the
program will direct you through a series of questions
concerning 'Saving' it on disc.  If you have not, you will
be given the opportunity to run the same file again without
reloading.  If you decline, a new file can be loaded
without exiting the program.

The machine language portion of the program fills most of
the memory with zeros when initialized.  If you have loaded
your textfile and wish to start over with the questions for
some reason, exit with a down arrow (L/F) and type 'GOTO
340'.  If you simply type 'Run', the program will reset
everything and you will have to reload your file.

Be sure to do a 'Command Reset' if you have run other
programs before loading this one.  It takes a substantial
amount of memory to operate.  If you have only 16K. you
will be limited to a file of not more than 1K.

Have fun!