– Virtual Media

Listing of file='DUNGEN.TXT;01' on disk='vmedia/asmtut_disk5-sector.ccvf'

                DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS             CHIP #21


        Many centuries ago, Vala, an evil insane Sorcerer,
dwelled in the land of Andor. He lived as a recluse within an
ancient Castle. Few ever saw him and those who did would not
speak of their encounter with him.

        As Vala began to realise that his day of death was
nearing, he decided to embody his evil within a labrynthic
dungeon. To insure that people would come in contact with his
evil, Vala stole the Orb of Rulership knowing that without
this artifact, the surrounding territories would soon fall
into anarchy and destroy themselves in bloody wars.

        You're quest, brave Sir, is to go to the deepest level
of this dangerous Dungeon and retrieve the Orb of Rulership.
If you suceed in this Adventure, you will become King, and be
declared a Hero and a God. If you should fail in this Quest,
you're next of kin will be notified.

        One more thing.........

The Orb is guarded by Tiamat, the Queen of all Dragons. Many
have previously reached Tiamat, but no-one has defeated her!!

        The first thing you will be asked is: New or Old?

If a 'N' is typed then a new game will be started.

If a 'O' is typed then an old game will be continued.

Do not type 'O' unless you have an old game to continue.

        After typing 'N', a series of numbers will appear.
They may look like this: STR:12 CON:10 DEX:8 ?

This is called your 'Character'. All numbers are between 3 &
18. 'STR' is your strength, 'CON' is your constitution
(overall physical health), and 'DEX' is your dexterity.

        After looking at your character, you have the option
of either keeping it by typing 'Y' or trying again by typing

        Once your character is selected, you must equip it.
You will be given a number of 'points' to use for equipment. A
list of available items will be displayed with corresponding
numbers of points needed. Simply type the number of points you
wish to spend on each item and your character will be equipped!


Weapond............Your weapond.

Armour.............Your Armour.

Shield.............The size of your shield.

Max hit points.....The highest amount of damage you can

                   take before death.

Current hit........The amount of hit points you currently

points.            have. When this number reaches 0, you

                   are dead.

Experience.........Each time a character kills a Monster,

points.            experience points are earned. As you

                   gain experience, your experience level

                   goes up according to a chart, on the

                   next page of instructions.

Experience.........As your experience level goes up, your

level.             fighting abilities and hit points

                   are raised.

Gold...............The amount of gold you posess.

Position...........The X-Y position of your character- The

                   scale is on the side of the map.

Dungeon Level......The number of levels deep into the six

                   level Dungeon your character is.

Turns to rest......The number of moves before you are

                   allowed to rest (resting is explained


STR:...............Your strength.

DEX:...............Your dexterity.

CON:...............Your Constitution.


Level        Experience 

 1               0             9          44000

 2            2000            10          54000

 3            5000            11          65000

 4            9000            12          77000

 5           14000            13          90000

 6           20000            14         104000

 7           27000            15         119000

 8           35000

        The following are magical writings found in the
Dungeon called 'scrolls'. Scrolls allow a character to perform
extraordinary feats. However, each one can only be used 1 to 4

ESP...........Allows the user to see physically the

              areas directly around him.

Teleport......Allows the character to instantly transport

              himself to any position within his current

              level within the Dungeon.

Repulsion.....Instantly sends the Monster onto a parallel.

Fireball......Sends a spherical ball of fire towards the

              Monster you are fighting. Fireballs always


Lightning.....Sends a bolt of lightning towards the

              Monster you are fighting. Lighting always


Trap Immune...Makes the character immune to trat set

              within the Dungeon.

Healing.......Heals a character's damage (current hit


        THE DUNGEON:

The Dungeon is a six level Labrynth. Each level is a 20 X 20
grid. As you move through the Dungeon, you will encounter
Monsters, find treasures and scrolls, and fall into trecherous
traps. The following are the symbols (seen in the Dungeon map)
for some common things found in the Dungeon:


I..........A wall.

T..........A trap.

W..........A weapond, armour, or shield.

M..........Magic- A scroll.

        THE OPTIONS:

Once play has begun, the Computer will ask for the 'OPTION'.
Simply type the first letter of the option you want. The
following is a list of the options:

ESP.............Use ESP scroll (if you have one).

TELEPORT........Use Teleport scroll (if you have one).

REST............Each 5 moves you are allowed to rest.

                Resting increases the current hit points

                by 2.

FIND TREASURE...Use find treasure scroll (if you have one).

MOVE............Move your character. After typing 'M', the

                computer will ask a direction (north,south,

                east or west).

ACTIVATE........Used to receive the action of the square you

                are in, without moving out and back in.

Upon encountering a monster, you will be asked for a 'fight
option'. You will be given the first letter of each option.
Simply type the letter of the option you want. The following
is a list of your fight options:

CHARGE..........Attack the monster. After you charge him,

                he will charge you.

DEFEND..........Does not attack the monster. Simply defend's

                from the monster's attack.

EVADE...........Run away from the monster. Before evading,

                you must defend.

REPULSION.......Use a repulsion scroll to dispell the


TELEPORT........Teleport away from the monster.

FIREBALL........Use a fireball scroll.

LIGHTNING.......Use a lightning scroll.


                        WEAPOND:  sword      STR:  13

                        ARMOR:    chain      DEX:  13

                        SHIELD:   none       CON:  13

                      MAX HIT POINTS: 27     ESP:

                      CURRENT HIT PTS:27     TELEPORT:

                      EXPERIENCE PTS:  0     REPULSION:

                      EXPERIENCE LEV:  1     FIREBALL:

                        GOLD:          0     LIGHTNING:

                        POSITION:   8,6    TRAP IMPULSE:

                      DUNGEON LEVEL:   1     HEALING:

                      TURNS TO REST:   5


STR:10  CON:9  DEX:12  'N' will show a new random

                       selection. 'Y' will continue.


You have 10 points.

What weapond  0)none 1)dagger 2)mace 3)sword .....3

What armour   0)none 1)leather 2)scale 3)chain 4)plate...3

What shield   0)none 1)small 2)medium 3)large.....0

        OPTION (ERTRHMAN) ?....M


        You have encountered an ORC

        Fight Option (CDERTLF) ?.....